April 24, 2024

Active Shooter Information/School Drill/Video

In response to the alarming number of Active Shooter incidents which have occurred around the country over the past decade, the Springettsbury Township Police Department partnered with the Central York School District to conduct a school emergency drill conducted on Friday, Oct 11th, 2013,  First responders from over 50 local, state, and federal agency’s converged on Central York High School in response to a simulated “Active Shooter” emergency call.

A unique component of this exercise is that it was conducted with the entire 1700 member student body and 120 faculity members in session during a normal class day. The students and faculty  participated in the school lockdown, evacuation, and parent/student reunification as police worked to improve their coordinated response capabilities. Springettsbury Township Police Administration and Central York School Superintendent staff worked closely together  in putting together such a large, multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency exercise.


Run, Hide, Fight Video

Video Copyright © 2012 City of Houston.